Professional Services

As a high-performing professional services organization, you know the value your clients place on obtaining top-quality, expert attention from talented professionals who are invested in the clients’ success.

At the same time, building a sustainable, profitable business requires more than service to clients. Such organizations must understand and manage critical operational metrics — leveraging expertise in information technology, accounting and internal controls, tax planning and reporting, and other processes and procedures. Additional challenges such as downward pressure on professional fees, the commoditization of services, talent acquisition and retention, succession planning, and expansion challenges all demand skillful, tailored attention.

At DeJoy & Co., our Professional Services Team complements your operation, allowing you to assemble a comprehensive team to address the range of needs. We’ve worked with technology companies, law firms, architects, marketing and public relations firms, management companies and financial advisors — supplying expertise in accounting, tax and business advisory services; helping manage risks; and keeping clients informed of timely tax regulations and accounting standards.

Advising the Advisors

Kevin C. Woodworth, CPA
Tax Services

Professional Services Team